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Anson LowZF Blog

React.js Resources

May 08, 2020

These are the resources I collected for building React.js project. Instead of living in my browser’s bookmark bar, I recorded them here and share to react.js developer who might need a reference.

React Framework

  1. Gatsby.js
  2. Next.Js
  3. RedwoodJS
  4. Blitz.js


  1. React Pattern
  2. React Handbook by Flavio Copes

Router Library for React

  1. React Router
  2. Reach Router

Reactjs UI Framework / Library

  1. Material-UI
  2. Ant Design
  3. Chakra UI
  4. React Bootstrap
  5. React Semantic UI
  6. React Admin UI - to build admin dashboard

React Icon

  1. React Icons
  2. Font Awesome React

React Animation

  1. React Spring
  2. Framer Motion

Reactjs CSS in JS

  1. Styled Component
  2. Emotion
  3. Styled-JSX
  5. Styletron

Query Language / Data Fetching

  1. GraphQL
  2. React Query
  3. SWR


  1. react-i18next


  1. React Tooltips
  2. React Tippy
  3. React Toast Notifications
  4. React Toastify
  5. React Modal

A Self Taught Developer Documenting My Learning To Code
Reactjs, Nextjs, Gatsbyjs & MaterialUI